Friday, December 9, 2011

Picture with words

"You dont stand a chance, matter fact, you dont have half the stance to stand if you stood half a chance."

ABC Book

Photo with words

"Life has obstacles, but don't stop, keep moving forward."

F is for Formal Picture

ABC Book...

P is for...

C is for

ABC Book..

Picture with words

ABC Book...

Picture with words

Picture with words

"Sometimes life comes at you fast. The least you should know is that you can do anything if you try, and that nothing can stop you. You are what you say you are, and no one can take that away from you. Life is that valuable thing that is unique to you. No one can change it; just you. And endure till the end!"

N is for...

Alphabet book

p is for

ABC Book...

Picture with words

Monday, December 5, 2011

H is For..

O is for...


ABC book

ABC Book

ABC Book

ABC Book

ABC Book

ABC book..

ABC book..

ABC Book
